Frequently Asked Questions
When are genuine Rocky Ford Cantaloupes ready?
Typically, Rocky Ford Cantaloupes are harvested in Early July for local farmers market availability and will continue to be picked until late September. Larger farms that ship Rocky Ford Cantaloupe to grocery store chains will have a several day delay on their cantaloupe. Local Farmers who have their own roadside stands start their cantaloupe in a greenhouse, producing young plants that are transplanted to the field after the threat of frost. This greenhouse and transplanting practice gives the plants a “jump start” that produces melons sooner than larger farms who ship to chain stores. For more information on our produce and when it is ready, visit our Produce section of our website or download the Brochure or Informational Page below.
Are Rocky Ford Cantaloupes safe for my family?
Absolutely! Our family enjoys our genuine Rocky Ford Cantaloupe from the first ripe melon to the last Rocky Ford Cantaloupe picked. To underscore our commitment to our customers, the safety of our melons, and the name of our produce, we have formed The Rocky Ford Growers Association. The Rocky Ford Growers Association is open to growers in Southern Crowley and all of Otero County. This is the original Rocky Ford Cantaloupe growing region. Rocky Ford has been producing delicious and safe melons for over 120 years, and we look forward to serving you!
Does Smith Farms Roast Chile?
Yes! Chile Roasting is available onsite, “while you wait” at our Farmers Market in Rocky Ford, Smith’s Corner, and at our Farmers Market in Falcon. Typically, Chile Roasting begins in August, though Roasting Chile is dependent upon the weather conditions.
Does Smith Farms do Wholesale?
Definitely! If you are interested in Wholesale, feel free to contact Smith Farms via the Contact Page.
What farming practices does Smith Farms utilize?
Smith Farms is a small, family-owned farm that is dedicated to our customers, the integrity and ethics of a family business, and the proper care of our land. As such, Smith Farms utilizes sustainable practices such as rotation of crops, remaining local, integrated pest management and other common sense practices. As a pioneer of the method in the Rocky Ford Growers region, Smith Farms utilizes drip irrigation as our primary means of watering our crops. This practice allows for a greater success in more natural approach to farming than other irrigating methods. At Smith Farms, we utilize natural pesticides such Pyridine-which has been in use for over 100 years.
For additional information, Contact Us, visit our Facebook Page.